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The model 1.1 "Accesses" brought me to another part of my research: Learning what it would mean when a document is physically changed. In this I saw certain similarities with Alzheimers disease. People with Alzheimers disease tend to forget some part of there remembrances. Especially for the group who were just diagnosed having Alzheimers disease it is confronting. Knowing that they forgot some fragments, they make up their own as replacements, slowly changing the memory. Just to experience what it could mean when a document has changed, I have build a small application 'model 1.2' better known as Alzheimer's of Internet. The user can type or paste his own or others text in the text area. After clicking on the 'change' button most of the words used will be replaced with their synonyms. Clicking the button once won’t change the text that much but after clicking it a couple of times in a row, the text will be changed dramatically. A synonym doesn’t exist in its generally accepted form: it will always change its context. I believe that this program gives us a slight insight of the effects of changing a document physically. As I already said in the introduction: this needs more exploration, isn’t a physical changed document a new document? Studying the effects of changed remembrances steered my investigation in the direction of our memory. Can we speak of documents when we talk about our memories? According to Suzanne Briet I believe I can, because I made an object of study of it. This means that if we write down or make a study of a remembrance the remembrance can be considered a document. Though I am aware that also on this part many questions needs to be explored. 

©2024 tobias rothe

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